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Understanding the Importance of R.E.S.P.E.C.T. in Relationships and Communication

May 30, 2024

1 min read




Recognizing your own behavior: what you say, what you do.

Entertaining the possibility you are wrong.

Silence. Silent listening, silent mind, silent strength.

Patience for ourselves and... every other damn person, weather events, accidents, miracles, mistakes, differences, failures.

Expecting respect from ourselves and everyone else.

Challenging the status quo; because what we say, do, feel, think, see, and experience in life impacts our future, our social and familial circles, in ways we understand as exponential, concentric as it expands, ripple effect, tidal waves, boomerang...

Trust. Trust ourselves and others to an extent; but find your people whom you can trust for reality/gut checks. Trust yourself to make the wrong decision, to make mistakes. Trust that our experiences from birth up to this and every moment hereafter, shapes/influences/scars our brain (when ready, look up synapse). Therefore, our decisions are shaped/influenced by our past. So trust yourself, and trust others, but on a level where you are psychologically prepared to make a mistake, and similary prepared for when someone in one of your circles, be it close family friend, co-worker, or spouse, makes a mistake or acts duplicitously.

Learn to Expect Respect Now!

May 30, 2024

1 min read





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